How Does Labor Law Uphold the Interest of Workers


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The Labor Laws are aimed to make sure employees are 'looked after' whilst they are working. This means that everyone has an equal chance of getting a job, despite disabilities, gender or sexual orientation, and that everyone who does have a job is paid above a minimum level. Combined, the law forms an intricate framework which supports employees and maintains the economy.

Wages and Hours

The most well-known legislation is the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA as it is commonly known, which sets the standards for pay and overtime. Most employers, whether public or private, are covered by this legislation. At a very basic level, the law states that anyone who is entitled to the Federal Minimum Wage should get it, and that overtime should be paid at a rate of one and a half times the minimum wage.

It also restricts the hours that children under sixteen can work, and lists dangerous jobs which minors can work in. For agricultural operations, there are restrictions for children under sixteen during school terms, and restrictions for minors that define jobs which are classed as too dangerous.

Workplace Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH) lays out the requirements which workplaces must meet to be deemed safe. It also contains clauses that employers should keep the workplace free from serious, recognized hazards. It is usually enforced through inspections and investigations, although there are also compliance assistance programs.

Compensation Legislation 

Compensation legislation is a framework made up of several acts. These include the Longshore and Harbors Worker's Compensation Act, which provides compensation and medical care for certain groups of employees, the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act provides a lump sum to employees who contract a serious condition, such as cancer, due to their jobs, and the Black Lung Benefits Act, which provides assistance to coal miners whose jobs have caused serious medical problems.

There is also the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, which created a workers' compensation program for federal employees who are disabled or die in the call of duty. The act even covers vocational rehabilitation to help injured workers to get back into work after becoming ill. There are even specialist companies like Massachusetts Workers Comp Lawyers, who can help you to file a claim quickly and easily.


The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act ring-fences union funds, and promotes democracy across unions by requiring annual financial reports, and establishing standards for union elections.

These are some examples of the benefits with the Labor Law has for employees. Whether it's Workers Compensations, Wages, Veteran Preferences or Financial Aid, there is plenty of support and protection for any employee.

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