Sunshine Award For Me


For the first time this year, I got an award and it’s from Hazel of Pink Memoirs! Thank you, Pinx!
I remember back then, awards like this is a constant part of anyone’s blog. Anywhere you turn there’s an award to grab. I wonder what transpired and it went out of the picture just all of a sudden… and for years… well at least from my own blogs. And now it’s starting to show up again. It’s alive! What can I say?

This time, there are few questions that I ought to answer. Oh, I like answering questions. Makes me feel like spotlight is on me, ha-ha-ha!

Here are the questions:
1.    Favorite Color: PURPLE
2.    Favorite Animal: I would love to have bunnies
3.    Favorite Number: 7
4.    Favorite Drink: Iced Coffee
5.    Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
6.    Your Passion: Seriously other than blogging, it’s exploring new kitchen recipes.
7.    Giving or Getting Presents: Giving but hey, I love gifts too you know so it’s both. :D
8.    Favorite Pattern: Cross
9.    Favorite Day: Friday
10.    Favorite Flowers: Roses. I like the long-stemmed ones.

And now the generous part… the sharing of the award to 10 fabulous bloggers.
Well, you are fabulous and I admire our virtual friendship, Mommy Pinx, Verna, Genevive, Gagay, Adaah, Crislyn, Ms. J, Lainy, Lynn, Rocks.

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