poor little girl got sick



It is obviously the reason why I was away from blogging for days. I understand my sister's fear of going to the hospital alone so I didn't hesitate when she asked me to come along.

This poor little girl suffered non-stop fever last week and so we brought her to the hospital to get checked. On the second day of her confinement, her doctor confirmed that she's positive of Dengue virus. However and wherever she got it from...we don't know. Good thing the symptoms she had aren't that bad. Her platelet count dropped once but it dramatically went back to normal after the third test.

Worried and all but I still managed to take pictures of us while in the hospital room. Here are some of them...

there's Jam

there's the niece and the Tita moment

and there's my sister Joyce and a glimpse of our room

Still having the much needed rest at home but the girl is at least now gaining back her strength. Thanks to God.

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