i need some help here!



Nothing! I just realized I do have a blog right here that's been calling my attention. How long has it been? 5 days? Whew! I didn't imagine that blog make over thing below could wear me out that much, (Kidding!) No it wasn't that at all.

I am actually contemplating whether to have this blog migrated in to another platform and get a personal hosting service (or not). A virtual friend is willing to assist me with the entire setting up process although I didn't give her my confirmation yet. I understand it's not an easy job that's why I need time and I mean ample of time to fully understand number of things here - the nature of the new platform, for one. Two, the major difference and advantages between free and paid hosting service and three, I need compelling reasons why I should take such decision into consideration.

Up to this writing, I am still soliciting ideas both from friends and from pages of related free articles online. I'm not sure yet how long will it take me exactly but I'll sure post an update here now and then.

Your comments and suggestions are likewise material and will be very much appreciated. Thank you so much ahead!

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