


It's been months since I was yearning to update my blog's layout here for the sole reason that I no longer find the last one appealing. For my convenience, I have bookmarked a generous page that does blog templates that are free for bloggers who don't have the ability to create their own customized layout like me. So from time to time I check the site to see if they have something new that may suit my blog's taste and last week I finally was able to pick one after a long way of patiently waiting. And though it's been up for a week already, I still want to introduce Isabela. Yep, that's my new blog layout's name. Very feminine, isn't it? And I'm very thankful first of all because it's free.

Its simplicity and manageable features are what attracts and made me decide to use it. As much as possible I don't want to use stuffy and too decorative template. Why? No offense meant to others but as far as I have learned it's one of the reasons why a page don't load fast. For me a fast loading website is essential. It don't only give your readers and visitors a chance to simply browse your page but it does help on letting them look around and read some interesting posts of yours as well... even the archived ones.

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