Hibernated and Back for the _th Time!




Well not exactly hibernating but sometimes when you’re all mixed up and could not decide which things to do or blog about first then you would most likely end up getting nothing done. That’s just so me!

Just like when I let weeks pass with so much things in mind to blog about but couldn’t. Can I blame it to my Internet provider who has left me wondering for almost a week when suddenly my connection got cut and the technical team couldn’t figure when exactly they could fix it? Or perhaps to my web host who suddenly decided to transfer the server of one of my blogs to another account just when I am ready to hit the keyboard again for updates? Ah… those are just frustrating events, I know but I’d rather not assume it’s someone’s fault either. It’s no one’s! - Except that I could still have been somehow productive (if only I managed my time really well) despite the downtimes.

 Effective time management - I know I’m still struggling on that part. But I can either be an extreme toiler or the other way around. And in order for me to get going, constant motivation is all I need. Unfortunately though, it doesn’t seem like I am getting enough of it as of late. Oh well… guess I only have two choices here… it’s to either keep going or simply quit! Well, I’m still here… obviously not quitting!

1 Response to "Hibernated and Back for the _th Time!"

  1. just to be cool.. hehe

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