Head's Up!



 I’m not so good at ranting on any of my page. Every time I start typing, that supposed post for the day always end up as a draft and will be marked as it is until I remember to hit delete. But I realized one of the reasons why I am here is to inform… doesn’t matter who listens or read and who don’t.

Blogging and earning from it is my way through life. I believe it is decent otherwise thousands of other people won’t waste their time doing it. But just like anywhere in the world, there are dark souls who doesn’t seem to care. Okay, let me get me get my words straight. I am talking about online fraud, better known as SCAM. When was the last time that you got scammed?

Being an earning blogger it is of course an initial reaction to get giddy whenever someone contacted you for a possible job offer. But I tell you what... I’ve done that and got screwed not once but a lot of times from the past and recently… just like around two weeks ago, there is this one self-acclaimed Direct Advertiser (she’s a lady) who just made her way to my list of hoax adverts.

See? I am still not that harsh. No names. But I have boundaries. And should any of you wish to have a clue who I am talking about comment along and I ask. I may have the exact answer for you.

Just ranting….

If you have things that needs out in the oven join Gagay’s Random Friday Rants and rave along!

Happy weekend!

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