The Blogger is Back!

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That's after over two weeks of (semi) internet-free vacation with dear JK. Well internet free only means Facebook and Blogging-free but not with email checking. We of course had our laptops with us - for JK to check his family from time to time and for me to check my emails regularly - but that's that... no more, no less.

Sad that our time together had to end up again... made me cry (a bucket?) but hey at least no part of that event made us feel any less for we both knew there will still be more chances ahead of us and who knows... the next time might be a much longer one... or maybe forever. We can never really tell.

To reality is where I should be at and that's here... me on the blog land. I'm glad I'm back. And on top of my excitement to share tons of our photos together is also another inspiring welcome back surprises from Mr. G. This blog's Page Rank has been pulled back up to 2 while my family blog now also has PR2. How great do you think is that?
Another good news is... my desktop computer has been fixed and is now fully functional again with a new motherboard and a video card in it. I would have just let it sit but JK insisted to have it fixed so we did. This time there shall be no more excuses. I don't have just one but two blogging buddies now to help me keep all my blogs going. ;)

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