There's Luckily No Long Distance Moving for Us

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Moving out from one place to another can be difficult. But in my family’s case, it was rather a very emotional event. It took all four of us (offspring of my Mom and Dad) to send us to college first before my mother out of her early retirement fee (being a private school teacher) decided to build us our own house in 2002. Sadly my father died of illness before we could even start to build the house project on the same year.

We’ve lived pretty much all our younger years in this old, shaky, almost rotten wooden house my mom and dad rented few months after they got married.
Awful as it may seem, this old house overflowed with lots of memories – happy and sad. That is why it was really hard when it was finally time to move in 2003. The new house is only few houses away as well from the old one so there’s obviously no need for a long distance moving team around. Besides we were not really so concern about the effort of moving our things out but it was rather the idea of leaving many good memories behind to start anew that’s making it difficult.

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