My Two Cents on Shredding Off Excess Baggage Effectively

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I just got a free weight check yesterday when I went with my sister to see her doctor. The scale reads 62 kilos or roughly 136 pounds. Bravo! That was quite an achievement for me to have worked roughly 20 pounds off my extra baggage. You can do the math how much I've lost but I’m telling you none of it was never easy. And I would have shredded off more if I didn’t have to slow down a bit with my workout routine since summer. Yea, I know I should get off my feet and start doing it regularly again.
It might be beneficial to look into getting a certified personal trainer . But hey, with my self-obtained experience, I know I can train myself just as better. Well at least I am still with my dietary fiber supplement up until today.

Yes at first I thought I can’t keep up with its off and a little disgusting smell and after taste but thankfully adding a spoonful of lemon concentrate on every teacup helped it. Then I have to realize probably that is just how natural herbs are when mixed altogether. I’m talking about its main ingredients, Senna – a famous Indian herb and Malvae - a neutralizer from Lotus or Pearl leaves - a mixture of both has been proven effective to speed up metabolism and lowers cholesterol and therefore help lose weight in a natural way.

The only downside of it is well… the constant trip to the bathroom which I know a lot of people hate. I used to feel the same but had to get though it otherwise forget the entire weight loss plan. There are however, alternative supplements available such as NO Xplode by BSN to go with your intense workout which I believe is also effective especially for those who are in active fields.

Lastly, I believe a right attitude is a must when you’re on a slimming program. Personally, I bought my own bathroom scale, got the necessary accessories and even bought few pairs of exercise outfit and it just made me feel right!

What about you do you take supplements too like I do?

1 Response to "My Two Cents on Shredding Off Excess Baggage Effectively"

  1. Vicy says:

    Wow sis you did a great job. It must been hard. I need to lose some weight too. I weighed from 110 to 136 now. Nways, Musta na? Have a wonderful weekend sis.


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