how to determine legitimate advertising websites



Checking my mails is one of the few things I regularly do first hour in the morning. I get delighted every time I see new task or reservations. That sure would inspire me to start the day right.

I hop from pages to pages to visit virtual friends, read interesting articles while wishing to find something new. When I say something new I am referring to new companies in which I can possibly do business with [legally].

I'm sure you would agree or [make it] believe how I've been screwed not once, not twice but several times by some people who knows nothing but to deceive as many people and rob as much as they can online. We usually call them hoax or scammers.

How do we define them?

You may want to try out the following simple steps I have personally gathered below on how to determine whether a website you are entrusting your personal information with is a legitimate one or not.
1. On your address bar type [], [] or your preferred search engine URL. Next you want to key in the web address that you want to verify in the search box followed by the word [scam].

Ex. scam

On the first page of the search result you will see related articles or reviews that tells whether a certain website has a questionable reliability or not. If you found something doubtful, leave that doubt

2. A legitimate website must provide proper information of their company - exact location/address and contact details like email address or telephone numbers.

3. See if they provide support either live or email support. Usually, virtual concerns should be properly addressed within 24 or 48 hours at the most. A website that does not provide support or not responding to any of your submitted tickets for me is highly mysterious.

4. Lastly, always pay careful attention to terms and conditions. It always pays to read!

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