Annular Solar Eclipse | May 21, 2012



I barely get to notice and watch phenomenons like Solar Eclipse. But yesterday morning while sleeping on a couch a blazing sun rays slips right through my windows, touching my skin as if it’s trying to wake me up. Then I heard knocks on the door. It was mom telling me what she just saw on the news. Half awake, I rose and opened the door and there she was trying to watch the illuminating sun while saying an Annular Solar Eclipse is happening in an hour.

That got me awake in an instant! I mean fully awake. I grabbed my camera then me and the girls started walking a few meters where we could get a full view of the sun without the trees blocking it.

We were just gonna stay there till the entire activity will last. Unfortunately my camera battery died on me after few attempts and before I could even get at least a clear shot of the moon’s actual shape. Imagine how frustrating that was! Even if I had to hurry back to get my batteries charged up, it will still not gonna make it so I just decided to take the girls back home and with only these…

Annular Solar Eclipse (21-May-2012. 6:00am)
Direct shot minus the use of optical filter.
Lens: P/S Kodak M1033 Series
Annular Solar Eclipse (21-May-2012. 6:00am)
A snap using the optical filter.

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