taking her second chance



Thanks to my aunt's effort, my sister finally got her requested TOR from the school she previously went to. Maybe after realizing the importance of having a complete education she aimed of going back to school to finish her education course. She decided to stop after she got pregnant with her first child and did not intend to go back until she realized she needed to get a decent paying job and the only way she could get one is if she has a full college degree. I hope it isn't too late for her though because considering the existing employment trend of the country we can't really tell what's hard and what's not. But I know she's going to do it for her kids so I get no objection to that. We mothers always want to be the best mothers we could be to our children regardless of how we do it. So my 101% support is all out to her and her decision. I hope she'll make it this time around.

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