think big thoughts but relish small pleasures...



I'm quite happy for what I have accomplished today. I don't think I can hit the hay without logging them all here as this seems to be the first after a long time [in hibernation] that I have done something worthwhile again. Well, as the phrase goes, they're just but small pleasures but for such a "hard to please" soul like mine, boy, it's an achievement!

For a start, I was able to finish re-designing my blog here. IMPROMPTU! Although I am already considering of changing its layout however it shouldn't have been this immediate if not for my sloppiness [thumbs down!] I accidentally hit a wrong button as I tried some new themes earlier... that's how it went. But even so, I'm still happy I completed it in less time without even the need to restrict its viewership. As for the template, I guess I'm sticking to it for now. Love it simple and dainty! [LINK].

Later this afternoon, I also freed my blogs from clutters, unnecessary drafts and bad links. Thing I should have done long ago. But then again, I'm glad I did it already!

Finally, early tonight I was able to successfully check out a new domain name from for my other blog [the best deal ever!]. So the migrating process may take place anywhere from today. Whew! What a feeling this will be? This whole thing is unfamiliar to me but for the sake of learning, I am more than willing to try. Thanks to my nerve [ha-ha], I definitely don't know where I got it from but thanks to myself, anyway. I wanted to do it, that's all I know so good luck to me!

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