worry free online shopping



Doing different online activities is what I do everyday. Blogging, making money online and talking to my boyfriend to mention a few. Internet became our primary communication tool since we both live miles away from each other. Despite the distance and time difference, we see to it that we spend time for each other before the day ends as long as we both can.

One day out of the blue, in one of our conversations, he initiated sending me links of an online stores from the United States. "What am I suppose to do with this pages?", I asked myself. Never had the idea that he's thinking of buying something online for me. We both enjoyed the time as we went on shopping only to find out that the store cannot be able to ship the item we both agreed to purchase direct to where my location is. Sigh! That was so frustrating... that could have been my first online shopping experience.

This morning, I found out about MyUS.com website; an international package forwarding service. If any of you is having the same experience like i do, I guess this is what we need. A reliable and friendly shipping agent to manage our mails, packages and more for our convenience. All we need to do is to sign up for our personal US mailing address, have all our purchases and mail sent to the same exact address and let the shipping agent do the rest. You really have nothing to worry with their real time monitoring access of your incoming mailed items. So with package and mail forwarding service, we can now shop from any companies worldwide even if they do not ship overseas. I can't wait to try this one. Why don't you check out the site to sign up for your own US mailing address now too!

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