weekend highlight ...
Labels: personal
JK and I both love pictures. Although he's more persistent and eager than I am. He's so quick to snap regardless of time and occasion. He even loves to take screen shots of us while we do our ordinary conversations everyday.
Last weekend, I got this chance to steal some screen shots of him while he baby sit the so gentle and charming baby Alex, the grandson of his. I can see how his heart melts while cuddling the baby onto his arms. The baby indeed added more color and fun to the conversations we have had for the entire weekend.

Last weekend, I got this chance to steal some screen shots of him while he baby sit the so gentle and charming baby Alex, the grandson of his. I can see how his heart melts while cuddling the baby onto his arms. The baby indeed added more color and fun to the conversations we have had for the entire weekend.

Some facts about babies:
A baby...
".... can make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
Do you agree?!!
A baby...
".... can make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
Do you agree?!!
Exactly, Nans. Mingaw ang balay walay bata. We also have a 2 mon old baby here, son sa ko sister. Mingaw ang balay if wala siya. (",)
I was smiling watching your pics. Reminds me of...(",)
Cute Pics heis such a joy to have around... Want one some day???
Guapa kaau!